Malayalam Movie Spirit has become the most expected film that will build a plethora of hope in 2012. Ranjith the most respected director in Malayalam film industry has decided to work with Mohanlal after a gap of 4 years. They had earlier worked together in the project of “Rock N Roll”. This time they will come together in the movie spirit which will have Kaniha sharing the screen space with Mohanlal after Christian Brothers. Ranjith after the movie Rock N Roll had been on a path of the ladder of success. Every project of his was appreciated by the masses at the box office and also by the critics. The movie like Indian Rupee, Pranchiyetan And The Saint, Palerimanikyam Oru Pathirakolapathakathinte Katha gave the tag of specialty. He became the most respected Malayalam film director from a notable screen play writer. Mohanlal had a successful year in 2011 with most of his films getting the hit credits. Critically hold films like Pranayam and Snehaveedu got the much needed appreciation while the films like Chinatown and Christian Brothers became eth highest grosser in the box office in 2011. 


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